PROJECT FUNDINGCOMMUNITY INFRASTRACTURE GRANTSINTRODUCTIONGalaxy Social Group and The World of Reapers has advanced and maturate their business operation mandate. This companies announceed that it is fitting its communities with the largest array of funding for the number of community projects. Nearly 25+ projects will cover the amount of funds collected under their new panel project(CIG) Community Infrastructure Grants, this is a community development trust funds that the group able to collect yearly for community development. The project is expected to provide 76% change in the service delivery of all public sectors prescription during peak of the funds raised. This project is part of the group's ongoing drive to reduce the level of social issues it consumes. The grants are mostly set to focus in the youth development, community projects, HIV/AIDs and Food security, Unemployment ,women empowerment and other focus areas. The group policies aim at meeting the challenges of social and economic development in the context of an increasingly interdependent global environment. Intensificating growth to a higher and more sustainable level atleast 18% in the line with organisation's accelerated and shared growth initiative for communities ,is a top priority. Our aim is to promote economic development, good corporate, social progress and rising living standards through accountable, economic, effecient, equitable and sustainable public funding. We also want to exhort and amalgamate the abstraction of instituting development trust funds for their communities for this we will help our Government to build a caring ,healthy society.
WE CURRENTLY NOT OPEN FOR ANY APPLICATIONThe strategic plan for Community Infrastructure Grants adobted the following core objectives to accomplish:
¤Equitable access and participation
¤Global competitiveness and profitability
¤Meeting the basic needs, building the economy
¤Sustainabile resource management
¤Developing human resources and build the nation
¤Support funding and investing practice by creating and providing opportunities to achieve exellence in the public sector, within a climate of freedom.
¤To futher engage in education by providing grants for students, support underprivillage students and kids who are in need to make sure everybody get education they deserve.
¤Establish and recommend policy in the development, prictice and funding of the community projects.
¤To address shortage of suitable skilled labour.
¤Promoting a global sustainable-development agenda
¤Diversification of productive projects and raise the profile of financing in communities.
Hi there thanks for the interest in sending us your proposal, please note we are currently not open for any project grant application ,however we can be interested in corporating with you in your projects please email our Managing Director:
APPLYPlease note we will be open the next call proposal submision on 15 September 2014 for any details about our funding process contact Mr N.B Sibiya to this email
www.worldofreapers.comThere is always something to do to play a role in a humen development. You don't only give because you have, but because you can, any input can simple bring a huge change in them. There are many ways to get involved. Volunteering is generally considere in our altruistic activities. Donating is one of our appreciative period for the drive of the project. Co-operatives is a best move from the both parties in our priorities to promote goodness and improve human quality of life in return.
CLICK HERE TO DONATECLICK HERE TO DONATEYoung leaders are the future of tomorrow's economic development, the assets of our countries. It could be a great move and clever strategy to start driving marking a change in their lives. This initiative invites you to play your part, to make a positive social change in your communities "let make a difference". We encourage you all to contribute to the positive change. Please help us fund more projects to luxuriate its pull through.
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